Curling Closet
  Short Animation made as my graduate film in the department of visual communications, at The Neri Bloomfieled School of Design, Israel 2015.
 Short Animation made as my graduate film in the department of visual communications, at The Neri Bloomfieled School of Design, Israel 201.
The project is about a girl going through a Sexual Assault in her room, the attacker is represented as typography and the girl tries to escape the experience using her imagination. This is phenomenon called Dissociation (psychology), an experience of having one's attention and emotions detached from the environment.

My inspiration for this animation was an online photography project I came across made by a 19 year old Grace Brown :

She photographed victims of sexual abuse holding up a sign showing the words used by their abuser.
After going over these images I found that many of them repeat themselves with the different victims and so I used these common sentences as the representation of the abusing entity in my animation (there is no visual representation of the abuser in the animation except for the typography).

I used mainly grey colors except for childhood motif’s that are in color. I wanted to create a contrast between the two worlds, the grey reality and the colorful and pure imagination.

The music, created by Rotem Moav, was a challenge because we had to move a lot between the two worlds and their respective musical theme to make the viewer move drastically from feeling happy to sad and afraid. I think the music plays a big role in creating empathy with the viewers.

Everything was done with Photoshop and post production after effects. It took about 5 months from early planning to post production.

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