Curling Closet
Animation short made as my graduate film in the department of visual communication, at The Neri Bloomfield School of Design.

Script, Directing, Design, sound effects & Animation by:
Keren Rijensky
Rotem Moav
Barak Drori,Ohad Elimelech, Ran Bogin, Ilan Wientrob.
Short Film about a girl going through Sexual Assault in her room, the attacker represented as typography and the girl try to escape from the experience with her mind. 
Director's notes
Director's notes
Keren Rijensky’s ‘Wings’ Animates The Insidious Power of Abusers’ Words on Their Victims
Keren Rijensky’s ‘Wings’ Animates The Insidious Power of Abusers’ Words on Their Victims
Child sex abuse is clearly one of the most difficult and yet important subjects that a filmmaker can tackle onscreen. Striking a balance between creating a film with an appropriate amount of gravitas yet that doesn’t send your audience away in disgust before your character’s story can be fully told is a challenge not to be undertaken lightly.
Child sex abuse is clearly one of the most difficult and yet important subjects that a filmmaker can tackle onscreen. Striking a balance between creating a film with an appropriate amount of gravitas yet that doesn’t send your audience away in disgust before your character’s story can be fully told is a challenge not to be undertaken lightly.
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